3 min readAug 28, 2021



“Most women fear rape and death”

Rape is seen as a national issue, with one in each three women experiencing physical or sexual abuse at some point in their lives, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Pakistan is experiencing a rise in the number of rape cases, which is creating mistrust among women.
The perpetrator is the only person who is responsible for sexual violence. It’s a terrific method to counter the all-too-common narrative that the victim or survivor is somehow at blame when it comes to sexual violence. Victim blaming can take numerous forms, such as inquiring about the person’s clothing or claiming that they were flirting and thus "wanted it."

The perpetrators are wandering freely or if they get caught, the very next day they get probation. Today’s women do not feel secure not even in their houses.
Victims of rape are often portrayed as the creators of their own misery, and some members of society regard them as deceptive and untrustworthy.

International And National Factors:

There are several factors which are the reason of increasing rape. Some of them are
mentioned below:

  1. Self-regulation issues, executive functioning concerns, perception/memory system issues, arousal/motivation system deficits, and problems with the action selection system are all neuropsychological impairments that may contribute to a proclivity for sexual assault. Sexual tension attacks on human being.
  2. Men who lacked basic understanding believe that women can be treated as slaves and sexually exploited for personal gain. Sexual frustration is likely to predominate in a society where sex is not openly acknowledged.
  3. Rape culture is a major contributor to the high prevalence of rape and sexual violence. Rape culture refers to a society in which violence against women is both common and accepted. Many factors contribute to rape culture, including victim blaming, violence against women in the media, judges have even decided that a rape perpetrator should be given a low punishment because they have a life ahead.
  4. A model of the decision to commit crime is used to examine the relationship between crime and punishment. Law enforcement’s effectiveness in suppressing crime and the accompanying social losses. Increased law enforcement activity raises the likelihood of punishment or the harshness of punishment, perhaps acting as a significant deterrent to criminals.
  5. A lack of sex education is another factor. Boys in their adolescence have a strong desire to discover new things. A lopsided sex ratio, lack of accessibility, and little connection with persons of the opposite sex wreak havoc on developing youth fed on porn.

Rape happens everywhere; they are not limited to any one country, area, race, caste, or social level. They affect the poor, rural, illiterate as well as the wealthy, urban, and therefore elites. Rapists use a variety of explanations and excuses to justify their actions.
The explanations given are so varied that generalizing is practically impossible. Religious leaders, instructors, guardians, fathers, brothers, relatives neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers have all been accused of rape.

The solution could be : rape prevention requires education, gender sensitization, and legal knowledge. Better policing and CCTV mapping of deserted regions are required. Academic intelligence differs significantly from behavioral and emotional intelligence. To clear our minds of the misconceptions that have blocked our thinking, cognitive restructuring is required. We should question the accused rather than the victim, as well as the hour of the rape and the clothing she wore. Instead than stigmatizing the victim, society should focus on the criminal. To combat this crime, which is rightfully referred to as the "greatest crime against femininity," sensitivity is demanded.

